Medikom Center

Mrs. Gabriela Pavlović Ćirković, MD specialist in physical medicine and Slobodan Ćirković, MD, specialist in radiology, launched a private medical practice in the year 1995, in order to cherish the traditional principles of doctors’ practice, based on trust in the patient-physician relationship aided by the state-of- the-art diagnostics. Following the patients’ needs, the “MEDIKOM” private doctor’s practice turned into an outpatient center as early as 1997. Today, the “MEDIKOM” center is a family outpatient center that has been successfully providing care to children and adults’ health alike, for more than two decades, and is developing, all the time, according to patients’ needs, technology present-day progress and the invaluable time-honoured
knowledge and extensive experience of a variety of specialists, nurses, medical technicians and consultants. The “MEDIKOM” outpatient center team is a 58-strong staff, fully employed physicians, nurses, medical technicians and consultants.
In the “MEDIKOM” outpatient center you can do all the specialist internal medicine examinations (cardiology, gastro-entereology, endocrinology, pulmology, nephrology, rheumatology, child medicine – pediatrics, gynecology, physical medicine, otorhinolaryngology, dermatovenerology, ophthalmology and laboratory analyses.
The examinations can be arranged at your convenience, each workday, during weekends and holidays from 07:00 AM to 09:00 PM. If you cannot reach our outpatient center, you can be examined and treated at home: The “MEDIKOM” outpatient center is situated in the “Vračar” area at Braničevska 12a, in the immediate vicinity of the Saint Sava Cathedral Church.
The further developmental goal and commitment of the “MEDIKOM” outpatient center is to treasure the one-to- one approach to the patient, applying the state-of- the-art diagnostic methods, and commencing each and every medical examination with the crucial doctor’s question: “How are you?”
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