You feel good. Your company is in good health. WHAT ABOUT YOUR EMPLOYEES?
Your employees’ health spells your company’s future!
According the HERO (Health Enhancement Research Organization), Brigham Young University, and Health Research Centre, Healthways research findings, there is a 27% reduction in absences in the employees who hold dear their health and 11% higher performance compared to their colleagues who are not active enough when it comes to their health.
Men’s Comprehensive Examination
Comprehensive Examination Programme:
- Complete laboratory analysis (complete blood picture, Se, glycemia, Fe, cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, urea, creatinine, ALT, AST, urine.
- Internal medicine specialist examination with ECG
- Spirometry
- Pulse oximetry
- Abdomen ultrasound and prostate ultrasound examination
- Ophthalmologist’s examination
Men’s Comprehensive Examination Total discounted Price: RSD 12,500.00
Women’s Comprehensive Examination
Comprehensive Examination Programme:
- Complete laboratory analysis (complete blood picture, Se, glycemia, Fe, cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, urea, creatinine, ALT, AST, urine.
- Internal medicine specialist examination with ECG
- Spirometry
- Pulse oximetry
- Abdomen ultrasound
- Breast ultrasound
- Gynecologist examination + Papa’s test + vaginal smear
- Gynecologic ultrasound
- Breast manual examination
- Ophthalmologist’s examination
Women’s Comprehensive Examination Total discounted Price: RSD 14,500.00
You can have your laboratory analyses sampling on your company’s premises.
If you need a different comprehensive examination, from the one we suggest, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail – we are going to send you your personal priced offer a.s.a.p.
Upon the laboratory analyses findings obtained and the examinations carried out, the physician will advise:
- Complementary examinations and analyses if any,
- Required methods and ways to treat the health problems detected (dietary regime, physical activity, therapy)
- When to show up for your next comprehensive examination
You can do your comprehensive examination any workday, Saturday, Sunday and during the holiday at your convenience. The comprehensive examination typically takes one to one hour and a half, maximum two hours.
For all the examinations uncovered by the comprehensive examination scheme – the Medikom Outpatient Centre gives you and your family members a 10%-discount on further examinations and you are eligible for a family card.