Cardiology is an internal medicine branch, dealing with heart and heart vessels problems.The physician begins the examination taking a thorough anamnesis (patient history) about patient’s disturbances – problems, such as: breathlessness, chest pain, heart thumping and pounding, and irregular heartbeat problems, headache, high blood pressure. The physician then examines the patient, listens to the heart rhythm – heart action frequency. In diagnosis setting, an important means is: ECG.
The ECG recording helps much to see the heart muscle condition. If need be, the parts of the heart – i.e. the atria and the ventricles, the heart valves condition can also be seen by the heart ultrasound examination.
The continuous heart action recording is carried out by round-the- clock ECG monitoring – ECG holter and round-the- clock blood pressure monitoring – blood pressure holter.
In addition, the specialist in cardiology recommends laboratory analysis crucial ro the assessment of blood vessels (glycemia, cholesterol, HDL and LDL, triglycerides).